"Nekko is a hidden treasure of Ann Arbor"
~A.F. IT professional
Course menu
(1) Foot 70 minutes $100
Consultation, foot soak with epsom salt
Foot Reflexology
Leg treatment
Organic tea bag of your choice to take home to relax and stay hydrated (optional)
(2) Foot 90 minutes $120
Consultation, foot soak with epsom salt,
Foot Reflexology
Leg treatment
Organic tea bag of your choice to take home to relax and stay hydrated (optional)
(3) Foot and hand 90 minutes $120
Consultation, foot soak with epsom salt
Foot Reflexology
Leg treatment
Hand Reflexology & lower arm massage
Organic tea bag of your choice to take home to relax and stay hydrated (optional)

10:00 am - 3:00 pm

❤︎ For your self-care and stress relief routine, most clients come every 4-6 weeks. It is generally more effective to have a regular schedule
Included in the price
Cash(exact change please), Check, Venmo, Credit card are accepted
New! (4) Facial Reflexology
70 minutes $100
Facial Reflexology, Neck massage (optional)
Hand Reflexology, shoulder massage
Organic tea bag of your choice to take home to relax and stay hydrated (optional)
New! (5) Facial & Hand Reflexology
100 minutes $125
Facial & Head Reflexology, Neck massage (optional)
Hand Reflexology, Lower & Upper arm, shoulder massage
Organic tea bag of your choice to take home to relax and stay hydrated (optional)
New! (6) Facial & Foot Reflexology
2 hours $150
Consultation, foot soak with epsom salt
Facial & Head Reflexology, Neck massage (optional)
Foot Reflexology
Leg treatment
Organic tea bag of your choice to take home to relax and stay hydrated (optional)